June 16-20, 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands
FIU CIARA participates in the third OSDC workshop in Amsterdam, Netherlands (opensciencedatacloud.org funded in part by the NSF PIRE program) will gather young researchers and experts to address today’s challenges and to develop understanding in how best to exploit our growing wealth of data. The Open Science Data Cloud PIRE project provides international research and education experiences through training and study at universities and research institutes around the world with leading scientists in the field of computing. OSDC-PIRE goal is to increase the participants with expertise in managing and analyzing data. The creation of a strong cadre of students with a global perspective on scientific data management will support research endeavors in many other areas vital to the US. International Collaboration.
Prof. Robert Grossman PhD, University of Chicago
Prof. Heidi Alvarez PhD, Florida International University
Prof. Paola Grosso PhD, University of Amsterdam
Prof. Cees de Laat PhD, University of Amsterdam
Please register at: https://osdc-pire-2014-amsterdam.eventbrite.com
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